
Gem of the day

Deloitte has just published a first-ever CSR report (that's too easy to comment on, so we'll just let it go). And basically it looks like the company is expending most of its energy wielding the financial stick over its employees, with the lame goal of encouraging incremental innovations in transport (very, very incremental). We proceed from the first highly ambiguous statement: "Various Deloitte offices are trying different methods to reduce the company’s impact on emissions from commuting" to see that Deloitte Germany is implementing the following initiative:

"A tiered incentive program that sets a minimum efficiency level. Cars that do not surpass a higher threshold must pay about $3,000. By choosing a high-efficiency model, however, partners and directors can get a one-time bonus of about $6,000."

So if I buy a Toyota Corolla and I work at the German office I can get about half the cost of the car directly rebated? Sounds great, now I don't have to transform my concept of mobility at all by biking and walking and potentially getting back in touch with nature and biodiversity. Or heaven forbid, using the lowly bus. Thanks, Deloitte!

...and of course this is a topic for a future post, but it ain't hard to tell this kind of initiative is directly in the interest of allowing Deloitte to make measurable progress on emissions reduction targets it has established per employee. All in the service of praying to the numbers, folks.

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