
Another non-environmental wonder

Few things are funnier right now than the outrage handily mustered by the Congressional Good Ole Party on Obama's moves in Libya.

Here's our friend Boehner crying his eyes out on behalf of The American People over the 'lack of a clearly defined role' in this foreign intervention:

"I and many other members of the House of Representatives are troubled that U.S. military resources were committed to war without clearly defining for the American people, the Congress, and our troops what the mission in Libya is and what America's role is in achieving that mission," Boehner wrote. "In fact, the limited, sometimes contradictory, case made to the American people by members of your Administration has left some fundamental questions about our engagement unanswered."

You're right Boehner. Obama has committed a truly irresponsible act. If only decisions had been made more in the style of 2002--then we'd know so little we'd have nothing to complain about.

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