
Gem of the day

Al Gore's Climate Reality Project plans their next reality check on the climate: this time it's 'dirty weather' as the selling point for people to sit up and pay attention. But given the hard and depressing truth, where's the inspiration for the future? (via NY Times)

"...the event will focus not just on the fossil fuel industries but on organizations that sow doubt that climate change is under way, [Project CEO Maggie] Fox said. By filtering ideas, knowledge, and awareness of climate trends, she said, social media can be a tool for 'overtaking the noise' created by climate skeptics."

Competing with the opposition for air time on the issues is definitely a problem given the CRP's other key objective:

"More broadly, the Climate Reality Project’s goal is to forge connections between nongovernmental organizations working on climate change issues around the globe with individuals to spread awareness, Ms. Fox said in an interview. 'There are something like two million environmental N.G.O.’s around the world working on climate,' she said. 'We actually believe we have the numbers — but we don’t have the mass.'”

Right - and none of those 2 million NGOs have a positive, engaging way of talking about how we can address this reality. What they do have is plenty of post-Copenhagen depression.

No one should underestimate the need to transcend climate skepticism in the US. But we need more solutions, not just more talking points.

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