
Gem of the day

It goes without saying that accountants and their friends don't have much imagination. But Ernst & Young, one of the world's biggest auditors and a well-known face appending many big CSR and sustainability reports, is really thinking outside the box. Here's a particularly far-fetched assessment of the state of offhosre drilling in the US-of-A right now, courtesy of E&Y's managing director in Houston:

"Those kind of incremental, evolutionary changes are what we’re going to see, and they can be effective. There is always someone who wants the third coat of paint to be applied before they operate a machine. But that is not realistic given the demands on the oil and gas industry. The country needs to get back to drilling."

Wait--so an auditor, not to mention BP's assurer of choice for their recent and poorly executed 2010 Sustainability Review, thinks that extra safety checks and basic regulatory measures in the wake of Deepwater Horizon are like a 'third coat of paint'?

But wait! Not to be outdone, our pals at Deloitte have an even more choice quote assessing this very topic:

"There is still a great prize in the Gulf of Mexico."

Great short-term analysis, Deloitte. How's about thinking 10, maybe 15 years down the line? Oh, and remember 2010 by the way?

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