
Bonus gem

Every year SustainAbility and Globescan survey a few hundred "qualified sustainability experts" in the consulting field to name which companies are making the most progress on environmental & social issues. In their words, they look for corporates that are:

"...committed to sustainable development, seeing strategic advantage in pursuing policies and actions which go beyond the requirements of environmental and social legislation.”

This year the usual suspects were lauded--M&S, Unilever, GE. But what captures my attention is who was leading before 2010:

BP. Yes indeed, the oil major was nominated by between 20 and 30 percent on respondents in 2004, 2005 and 2006.

There's no doubt BP saw a whole lot of strategic advantage in running 'Beyond Petroleum' as a campaign. The question is, did the public get anything out of it? And yes, that's a rhetorical question.

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