
Gem of the day

Infamous Whole Foods CEO John  Mackey is on a roll with his "Conscious Capitalism" call to action - business should lead by embedding a "higher sense of purpose" in value creation. So it's beyond ironic that his answer to an area where upscale Whole Foods has yet to fulfill that kind of leadership - increasing access to healthy food in the US, land of "food deserts" - is to...create a nonprofit (via Forbes):

Forbes: "One of the primary issues with Whole Foods is that the stores are largely located in well-to-do areas. How does Whole Foods intend to make healthy food available to all?"

Mackey: "We do take seriously our responsibility, and growing ability, to educate people about healthy eating and giving them greater access...We will start to bring healthy food options to people in several other cities, starting with a new store in mid-town Detroit that will open in May. We are even looking to create a new non-profit to help make this a reality."

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