Don't miss it: an exclusive interview with Greta van Susteran of Fox News, husky huffer extraordinaire, and Sarah Palin. And not just Sarah Palin--her husband Todd too.
The subject? Flyin' over ANWR to determine, once and for all, if there's any nature worth saving there. Their conclusion? Guess.
VAN SUSTEREN: You know, Todd, it struck me that it's quite flat and there's not a lot of -- I didn't see a lot of animal life or anything. How far south is it like this? What's the terrain like?
SARAH PALIN, FORMER ALASKA GOVERNOR, FOX CONTRIBUTOR: You can look about 60 miles south and still see what we're seeing right now. So yes, as Todd's suggesting, the fund-raiser pictures and the Web sites that show waterfalls and moose and mountain ranges and Dahl sheep climbing along shell (ph) -- that's not the real ANWR.
So just because there aren't charismatic glimpses of biodiversity, there's 'no animal life'? Right. I know what you're thinking: it can't get any better than that. But oh yes, it does. Witness:
VAN SUSTEREN: Well, let me -- let's -- let me compare for a second, though. If -- right now, there's drilling in Prudhoe Bay...
VAN SUSTEREN: ... in that area. That -- that's actively going on. That is on -- that's onshore.
PALIN: Right.
VAN SUSTEREN: And then there's some offshore.
PALIN: Right.
VAN SUSTEREN: But different from the Gulf of Mexico in that it's not very deep.
PALIN: Oh, different -- way different than the Gulf of Mexico, where those are unprecedented areas that they're drilling in, miles and miles under water, far offshore. No, Alaska is engaged aggressively and very responsibly in the onshore and shallow water off.
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