
Another non-environmental wonder

Understanding the scale of Serco, the private government contractor running prisons, hospitals, and even nuclear facilities across the UK, is no small challenge. Here's two clues to help convey just how giant it is (via the Guardian):

  •  "Without Serco, Britain would struggle to go to war" says the Daily Telegraph
  • A prime example of the level of information Serco is willing to release publicly about its operations in the UK, bringing new meaning to the term "opaque": "We operate in a range of markets and geographies, which means we are well placed to bring a wide range of experiences and knowledge to help customers with the challenges that they face."
But nothing tops the explanation of CEO Chris Hyman as to why the company is so invisible:

"We are delighted when the public knows who we are, but really, we need to be known by the people who make decisions."

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