
Another non-environmental wonder

How much can you pack into a generalized statement about "Africa"? In the world of business, a lot (via BusinessWeek, of course):

“Africa is an idea, not a market," sayeth veteran IBM shareholder Richard Soultanian.

Not to be outdone, IBM's head of South African operations has this to say:

"On his desk was a newspaper article chronicling the aftermath of an August police massacre of 34 platinum miners after an illegal strike turned violent. 'My actions cannot be dictated by what is going on in the country or the marketplace,' he says."

Now that's a smart way to look at doing business in emerging markets. Get thee to the real experts before it's too late - they just might be able to help you appreciate this reality instead:

"If the local socio-political system is characterized by a lack of transparency, profound structural inequalities, deeply engrained types of social discrimination, widespread arbitrariness, omnipresent corruption or pervasive structural violence, then your actions will normally reinforce those features, even if unintentionally."


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