
Something that's actually good

Loving Michele Simon's dedication to putting a tougher spotlight on PepsiCo's greenwashing. Of course, anyone who really wants to know how far the company's commitment to sustainability (especially human health-related issues) goes need only look at how PepsiCo has been talking to its shareholders. Where's the money really going?

Memo: they're upping investments into marketing the saltiest and most unhealthy snacks, to children in particular, at any cost. That's no exaggeration. In the words of Frito-Lay's division director, PepsiCo is "maniacally focused about gaining share in all of these segments [snacks] in 2012."

Simon's key proof points:
  • Last year PepsiCo spent $3.2 million on lobbying. The company also joined a group of food lobbyists with a classically normal-sounding name, the "Sensible Food Policy Coalition," whose sole purpose was to derail an effort by the U.S. government to improve the food industry's voluntary guidelines for marketing to children.
  • A complaint filed with the US Federal Trade Commission alleges PepsiCo engaged in "deceptive and unfair digital marketing practices" by invading the privacy of unsuspecting teenagers who engaged with an online Doritos ad campaign that encouraged sharing personal information.
Oh dear. Is this kind of activity what PepsiCo means when they state unequivocally in their most recent sustainability report that "a healthier future for all people and our planet means a more successful future for PepsiCo. This is our promise"?

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