
Gem of the day

If America's Ivy League universities can't get the intellectual argument behind 350.org's call to divest endowments from fossil fuels, they could at least do the math, right? After all, if schools like Harvard want to be around for another 375 years, it would be smart to recognise that abundant fossil fuels and the dollars attached to them sure won't be.

Or not (via NY Times):

"At colleges with large endowments, many administrators are viewing the demand skeptically, saying it would undermine their goal of maximum returns in support of education."

Even better, a spokesman for Harvard had this to say:

"We always appreciate hearing from students about their viewpoints, but Harvard is not considering divesting from companies related to fossil fuels."

Funnily enough that doesn't really seem to align with Harvard's mission:

"Harvard seeks to identify and to remove restraints on students’ full participation, so that individuals may explore their capabilities and interests and may develop their full intellectual and human potential."

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